Unit 1: Human Impact-Cause and Effect
SEV4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on natural resources.
Construct and revise a claim based on evidence on the effects of human activities on natural resources.
The overuse of natural resources causes ecological and societal problems.
Land is a natural resource that is used for agriculture, ranching, mining, and housing. The overuse of land for any of these applications can cause problems with water, air, and organisms.
Water is a natural resource that is used for fishing and consumption. Some of the water on Earth is salt water. Desalination is the process by which salt water is made available for drinking.
Air is a natural resource that is used for breathing. The pollution of air leads to ocean acidification, smog, and ozone depletion.
There are solutions that can be designed to address smog, ozone depletion, urbanization, and ocean acidification.
Human population growth leads to issues with food supplies. The solutions to addressing
Enduring Understanding
Lesson 1.1 (Intro land)
Chapter 1 Section 1 pgs. 14 – 15
Chapter 16 Section 1 pgs. 441 – 444
Chapter 16 Section 2 pgs. 445 – 450
Chapter 16 Section 3 pgs. 451 – 454 (Top of Page)
Lesson 1.2 (Water)
Chapter 11 Section 2 pgs. 296 – 303
Chapter 11Section 3 pgs. 304 – 313
Lesson 1.3 (Air)
Chapter 12 Sections 1 pgs. 325 – 330
Chapter 12 Section 2 pgs. 331 – 335
Chapter 12 Section 3 pgs. 336 – 339
Lesson 2.1
Chapter 1 Section 3 pgs. 15 – 19
Chapter 2 Section 3 pgs. 38 – 42
Lesson 3.1
Chapter 15 Section 1 pgs. 406 – 411
Chapter 15 Section 2 pgs. 412 – 422
Chapter 15 Section 3 pgs. 423 - 428
Performance-Based Objective(s)
As a result of their engagement with this unit, students will know and be able to…
SWBAT obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on natural resources IOT construct and revise a claim based on evidence on the effects of agriculture, forestry, ranching, mining, urbanization, and pollution on land and organisms. (Lesson 1.1)
SWBAT obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on natural resources IOT construct and revise a claim based on evidence on the effects of fishing, water use, desalination, and waste water treatment on water and organisms. (Lesson 1.2)
SWBAT obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on natural resources IOT construct and revise a claim based on evidence on the effects of agriculture, forestry, ranching, mining, urbanization, and pollution on air and organisms. (Lesson 1.3)
Book Alignment
SWBAT obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze human impact on natural resources IOT construct and revise a claim based on evidence on the effects of fishing, water use, desalination, and waste water treatment on water and organisms.
Guiding Questions:
What other issues can water have besides too much lead?
How does the treatment process address issues with the water.